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Buyer Protection

3ADeal.com runs a very comprehensive Buyer Protection program so that buyer is 100% protected and experiences trust and comfort for online shopping of risky Securities. At 3ADeal.com, trust is the foremost thing for each transaction.


We do provide any kind of assistance needed by buyer in regards to transfer of securities during the period of 6 months from the date the securities are sent for transfer. This period of assistance can be extended based of management decision under certain major issues faced by buyer in case of transfer . Buyer has obligation to send the securities with all documents for transfer within 15 days from receipt of securities in order to avail our after sale services.

Buyer can any time contact our staff through email or online chat or call for information before and after accepting/ placing any order.

Cancellation of Order once placed is not allowed on 3ADeal.com, but under certain genuine cases management will scrutinize the matter and take decision accordingly.

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